Monday, March 21, 2011

Self Care

Most moms feel the nasty sting of guilt at some point in their mothering career. For me, it bites me hardest when I do something for myself, be it play a game on the computer, call a friend or enjoy a glass of wine. Why is it, I wonder, that we as women question whether or not we "deserve" something? We "deserve" to be kind to ourselves simply because we are PEOPLE!!

It's an ongoing lesson for me, that I deserve and REQUIRE kindness and self care/self love!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time to recover

As a mom, woman, entrepreneur and employee, taking the time out from a busy schedule to actually allow my body to recover from an illness is much easier said than done. Currently, I have no voice, as my vocal chords have been affected by issues with my tonsils. I'm finding it extremely challenging not to start cleaning, organizing, something to get busy, rather than allowing myself the time to rest and recover.

I have so many customer calls I'm needing to do. There is paperwork to organize and a kitchen that is filled with dishes and sippy cups that need washing. My body is working so hard to fight off this infection, I know I should allow it to do it's job without the added stress of cleaning the house. Again, much easier said than done!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Father as teacher

I'm watching my husband and my 3 year old play with Word Match Colours and Shapes. It's a learning game by Discovery Toys. My husband is astonished at our son's knowledge. He doesn't get much time to spend one on one with him, to see how he's progressed since I've introduced Discovery Toys into our lives. Our son is having a great time, as well, watching his daddy's reaction when he says words like "pentagon" and "octogon" and "trapezoid". This is happening while our 1 year old plays again with the Hammer Away boat, excited as he puts the balls into the holes, pushes them and watches them roll down.

I also received flowers and chocolates from my husband, after he grocery shopped, during this Valentines Day. Tonight we'll open our bottle of champaigne we've had since Christmas. It's a good day!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The joy of play

Sitting with my 1 year old son the other day, I watched in awe as his dimpled little fingers reached for a small blue ball. After tasting it, as most 1 year old's do, he placed the ball on the Castle Marbleworks toy in front of him. While the toy went around the maze, I witnessed something on his little face that made me smile - the look of pure joy and astonishment.

Re-discover the pure joy and astonishment of play again with a child in your life!